
A Flash of Lightning, Eclipse the Sun

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Literature Text

Fujiko sighed heavily looking at the day's paper looking for special sales, furrowing her brows slightly, “I wonder when the messenger will come?” she said out loud and sighed again. She was currently waiting for a correspondence from her Aunt Megumi pertaining to some clan business, nothing big really, but still Fujiko was waiting for it nonetheless.

“Looks like the market on Kigawakai Street is having a sale on potatoes, Fu-Nee~” Airisu said making her way downstairs munching on a piece of toast and looking over her older cousin’s shoulder. Fu nodded, “Yes, appears so. Also some beef, do you think you could wake up Kohaku? He needs to get his butt out of bed and do something today! He’s been moping all week! I swear, worse than a child!” Fujiko said her cheeks puffed up in irritation at her cousin’s recent behavior. Seems he got caught with another man’s fiance or something, Fujiko didn’t care as long as he didn’t bring trouble to the clan’s front steps.

Airisu chuckled before grabbing her staff and bounding back upstairs yelling, “KOHAKU~ YOU’RE IN TROUBLE~”

There was a tap at the door and Fujiko opened the door to see a messenger with a scroll, “Murasaki Fujiko-Sama?” he asked and she nodded in reply stamping the delivery papers and taking the scroll giving him a polite smile and small nod in thanks before closing the door.

“Nyaaa~ Is that from Aunty Meguuuumiiii~?” Kenshin said petting a cat and Fujiko looked at with a slight hint of disapproval, “Kenshin-kun, where did you get that little one?” she asked and Kenshin shrugged and rubbed cheeks with the cat, somewhere nearby she heard Kohaku give a snort.

“He’s as old as you are but he’s like stuck acting like he’s twelve!” The blond man said, already snarky due to Airisu waking him up by practically destroying his room...Of course she said it was an accident, it always was with her...

Fujiko huffed, “Well since you’re up today, why don’t you clean up your room and escort Kenshin to the Nagano’s and drop off the cat? I think it’s one of theirs~” she said opening the scroll and sitting down. She read it diligently, ignoring the sounds of her family squabbling over something stupid in the background, taking in the info her aunt had sent. Seems that Petunia-Sama, one of the Murasaki’s treasured oxen had given birth, despite some complications! Fu gave a sigh of relief, “Petunia-sama is just fine! She’s has a baby girl that they named Chizue!” she announced and Kohkau gave a sarcastic clap, Kenshin promptly slapped the back of his head.

“Nyaaaa~!! Bite your tongue, Haku-chan! You know that our family views our oxen as our fellows!” Kenshin and the cat hissed at Kohaku seemingly in agreement. Fujiko patted her purple haired cousin and his current feline friend accordingly, “It’s alright, Kenshin-kun, Kohaku is an odd beast in our family, but we still love him~” here she paused and smirked, “Mostly anyways~”

She quickly got up while Kohaku pulled at his hair in frustration, “Why do you always do that to me Fu? Everyone else gets all rainbows and sunshine but you’re always so cold to me!” he whined and Fujiko ignored his antics slipping on her shoes, “Because the others don’t insult me at every turn~?” she said before giving a bright smile to Kenshin, “I’ll be going now! I’ll be sure to bring back some good stuff,so make sure you don’t fill yourself up with cookies and dango, okay~? Love you! Be good!” and with that she was out the door and on her adventure for the day.

“She does know that we’re older than her, right? Why does she always act like our mother?” Kohaku grumbled going back upstairs to clean up his room and then take a shower. Kenshin shrugged and looked down at his kitty-pal, “I don’t mind, I like being taken care of~”


Fujiko hummed to herself with the shop’s song playing over the speakers, “Hmmm, should I make ribs or stew~?” she asked to herself thinking deeply about her meal plans before being interrupted by a gaggle of females, a loud gaggle of them at that. Fu sighed in slight irritation, they seemed to be around her age, ‘But still so immature!’ she thought to herself seeing a small group of housewives and old ladies scrunch up their face in annoyance as well.

“So yeah! I totally saw Aki-sama with Raiden again today!” one of the voices said and Fu’s ears perked up at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. A bunch of the other girl’s squealed in response, “Aw the Prince and the Princess! Such a cute couple!” another one said and Fujiko sweatdropped, and chuckled to herself slightly.

“They’re not a couple though! I heard Raiden’s dating that Murasaki chick! You know the one that’s always around him and, like, she’s always there!”

“What’s her name again?”

“Something with a flower I think.”

“Oh, I think her name is Fujiko?”

A high pitched laugh, “Woooow, her parents were really creative weren’t they!” 

“Oh come on! You’re just jealous that Raiden and his hot friend totally blew you off last night at that bar! I heard she’s a nice girl!” At least somebody seemed to think highly of Fujiko.

“W-Well, I heard she’s a total loser and Raiden’s only with her because she confessed to him and, like, trapped him!” the same girl from earlier said and Fujiko frowned throwing a set of pork ribs into her basket. ‘Since when did I become a villain in this?’ she thought to herself slightly and huffed, placing her hands on her hips. By know the surrounding old ladies were looking at her in excitement. She sent a fierce glare at one of the older hens that were already clucking together in the corner, ‘My life is not news for you old hens!’

“Well she looks so plain! And like I heard she’s mannish!” Same Jealous!Girl said nastily and Fujiko gave a flat glare at the direction of the girl’s voice. Fujiko was not mannish, sure she wasn’t as pretty as the other girls in the village or not as flashy but she was not mannish! Extremely strong for her size and shape, but it was something she was practically born with!

“And I bet she’s flat!” Jealous!Girl said and cackled while her friends murmured loudly.

“Actually, I can attest to the fact that she’s not flat at all. She was at my work and trying on outfits with Raiden-” here there were a few shocked gasps and whispers of ‘Hussy’ and ‘Slut’, “and she actually ripped an outfit with her breasts alone.” and Fujiko turned bright red. The Hens in the corner took a glance at her as if seeing if she was wearing some sort of incriminating outfit before going back to their whispering as they dashed away with their finds of the day. 

“...Wh-what?!” Jealous!Girl said in apparent shock and anger, “That plain Jane!?”

“Y-yeah I saw her at the bathhouse like two months ago and she was really, uh, busty-”

“She has a nice ass too!”

“Hikari-chan! Language!”

“But it’s true!” ‘Hikari-chan’ said sounding like a little kid who was scolded by her parent.

“Well Aki-sama’s is probably bigger anyways!” Jealous!Girl said huffily and Fujiko pinched the bridge of her nose, calmly counting down from ten. ‘First they call me plain, then I’m a slut, and now they’re comparing me to Aki-sama?! Ugh, I need to get out of here...’ she thought making her way to the registers.

There was a sudden squeal, “LOOK! RAIDEN’S WITH AKI-SAMA RIGHT NOW!” and there was a sudden stampede of flashily dressed girls, for in Fujiko’s mind they weren’t mature enough to be women, to the shop’s windows. Fujiko made her way to the counter and paid quickly trying to ignore the girls.


“Awww, there they go~”

And Fuijko was already out the door rushing home ignoring the odd swirl of emotions taking place in her heart and stomach.


“FU-NEE! I’M HOOOOME~!!” Airisu said coming in and flinging off her shoes at the door and prancing into the room, albeit tripping slightly, and sniffing the air.

“What cha makin’~?” She asked her purple haired cousin who seemed intent on her current task, which was cutting up a rather large radish...Viciously, might she add.

“Western style BBQ Pork ribs with baked potatoes and for dessert, peach ice cream.” Fujiko replied calmly, and Airisu twitched at the flat tone. Usually her cousin was filled with a honey like happiness that spread throughout the room, now though there was, well, nothing.

“Um, did something happen, Fu-”

“No! Everything’s allllriiight! Why don't you take a bath and then help me pickle this vegetables for tomorrow?!” Fujiko said with a crazed type of emotion; Her smile was tight and the large knife she held up gave off the aura of a woman on the verge of snapping. Airisu gave her a slightly scared and forced smile in return, “H-Hai, alright Fu-Nee...” and then she dashed upstairs hoping that Kohaku had just done something stupid again like kicking his foot through on of the fences on the property and that Fu would be calm by the time she was done with her shower.

Meanwhile Fujiko gave a deep sigh and slammed the large knife into the wooden cutting block and put away the slain radish, still feeling off.

‘Am I r-really that worthy of gossip like that?’ she thought and put away the extra food items she had lying about. ‘I mean maybe I should’ve expected this when Raiden and I began dating but still...’ She looked into the kitchen that was filled with murky water.

‘And, honestly what do I have to worry about? I know that Raiden will never ch-cheat on me! So why am I feeling so jealous? I know that Raiden can be a flirt at times, but I really don’t think that he’d ever just forget about me...W-Would he?’ she thought pulling the plug in the sink and watching the water go down the drain. She was remembering the time that she referred to, mainly only in her head, as ‘The Dark Ages’, before she confessed her feelings and remembered the painful feelings of those times.

When Raiden would ask a girl out right in front of her, even though they already had plans...

When Fu was regaled with tales of Raiden’s latest ‘finds’...

When Raiden accidentally forgot that they were meeting at the park at 2 and , “Please forgive me! I kind of was up late last night and I overslept! Sorry, Fu!”

Oh, yes, ‘The Dark Ages’ indeed... But they were things that happened in the past. Raiden had changed, she saw him not being out all of the time and only drinking to celebrate, and hanging out with Nagisa-chan, and his bond with Azuna-chan was strong. He always treated Fu as a treasure but still there were times when Fujiko couldn’t help but feel a bit melancholic at times, just recently she kept having to scold him about ‘flirting’ with random women. She knew that he didn’t mean anything by it and that Raiden was just a flirt by nature but she couldn’t help feeling

Jealous and-


and lonely-

and left behind-


Fujiko suddenly turned away from the sink and shook her head, scolding herself. ‘No, Raiden wouldn’t! He says he loves me and that will be that! Enough of this nonsense! Time to finish preparing dinner!’ she told herself partially embarrassed by her behavior and going back to work.

Still, there was a greyness in her heart, a shadow that sounded a lot like Jealous!Girl’s cackling...

By the time Airisu made her way downstairs the mood had lightened a bit, although it was more due to Kohaku and Kenshin squabbling and almost sounding like a comedic duo. Fujiko was oddly quiet and slightly withdrawn, like someone had sapped color from her or something, Airisu shook her head and sat down at the dinner table, only ‘tapping’ the table slightly moving it four inches, Fu straightened it out before the others joined them.

Woman! What have I told you about this vile drink!” Kohaku said motioning to a small glass of milk everyone had. Fujiko looked at him, lips pursed slightly, “I don’t care how old or big you get, Kohaku, you need to have a better diet. Lord knows what Aunty and Uncle were thinking raising you like spoiled child. It’s all due to Petunia-sama’s milk that you’ve even gotten this big anyways...”

Kohaku looked slightly put-out before sipping sadly at his milk, “Wow, you’re feisty today!” he mumbled and the aura of the room snapped. Kenshin was shaking his head back in forth quickly and every so slowly inched down under the table for cover. Airisu did the same although sneaking her plate with her, grabbing her glass of milk just in case things turned real nasty.

Kohaku, only now noticing that his other cousins were taking to hiding and running away, looked around. ‘What the heck?’

Suddenly he felt the table jolt as Fujiko slammed her fist on the table, and he heard it creak dangerously, he quickly looked up at his purple haired cousin and gulped at the menacing aura surrounding her.

“WELL, SORRY IF I’M NOT HAVING A GOOD DAY, YOU SELFISH-IDIOTIC-JERK OF A COUSIN!” she yelled and he swore he heard the house rumble with it and he began shaking. There was a large amount of KI coming off of the girl and now he realized why his fellow cousins had left him.

“I COME HOME FEELING PRETTY DOWN BUT I MADE DINNER, I SET THE TABLE, I DID EVERYTHING AND YOU BECOME PRISSY OVER A GLASS OF MILK?!” Fujiko raged, and the Murasaki’s swore it was like the god’s were allowing her to channel their wrath.

“YOU CHEATING-JERK! HOW DARE YOU! DO YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT WHAT I DEAL WITH WHILE YOU JUST FLIT AROUND WORKING SIMPLE JOBS!” here Fujiko gave a mighty roar and Kohaku swore he saw her spit out flames like a dragon. 

“Um, Wh-why d-don’t  you t-try and c-calm down-” He began before Fujiko stood up shoving her chair back and he flinched at the sound of it slamming into the floor.

“CALM?! CALM?! IS THAT THE ONLY WAY I’M ALLOWED TO ACT?! PLAIN, CALM, FUJIKO ALWAYS CLEANING UP AFTER EVERYONE AND BLENDING INTO THE BACKGROUND AND DOING EVERYTHING!! ENOUGH!” she said leaning on the table and panting fiercely from her outburst. By now Kohaku was slowly backing down and away from her like a lion tamer and PMS-ing lion. ‘Slowly now...She can’t see you if you don’t move too quickly...’ he thought to himself.

Suddenly Fujiko looked up at him, her features oddly blank, “Drink the milk or don’t drink the milk. I don’t care anymore. I’m going to bed, dessert is in the freezer downstairs, leftovers will be handled by Airisu, as it is her day for that.” and with that Fujiko got up and made her way upstairs to her room and shut the door quietly.

“Idiot.” Airisu said from her hiding place, and looked at him her eldest cousin boredly despite the fact that she had bbq sauce all over her face.

“Mhmmm, Nyaaaaa~” Kenshin said licking his fingers delicately.

Kohaku slumped in defeat, “What now...?”


The next day Fujiko rose up earlier than normal and made her way to her clan’s hot springs-slash-bathhouse. She was the only one there and she sighed in relief, she needed some time away from her thoughts, to focus only on the heat of the hot springs and the steam that rose beautifully into the air off of it’s surface.

‘It hurts to think...’ she said to herself; Her heart felt battered and her head wouldn't stop picking at everything she did.

“Today will be a better day...” she said and gave a great sigh trying to find inner peace again, even if she knew it was a band-aid solution. 

Fujiko prepared breakfast and it was served in her usual cheery manner, although her cousins knew she was just forcing herself, Kohaku even went out of his way to finish his milk without a peep.

Later on Fujiko was hanging out with Raiden when something happened.

“RAIDEN YUKI IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR—!” Kanmuri shouted and the playful lovey-dovey atmosphere disappeared in a second. Raiden’s temperament became thunderous and all Fujiko was think of was, ‘Y-Yuki?’

“What about Azuna?” He said through gritted teeth.  “She lives with me, for Kami's sake.  What if she was home?  Do you know what she'd do if she found out about me?”

That snapped Fu out of her trance, “Raiden,” she said as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “It's okay...Kanmuri-san didn't mean to.” she said just as gently. It hurt her that Raiden had a secret this big and that Kan knew-

“So yeah! I totally saw Aki-sama with Raiden again today!” 

“ I heard Raiden’s dating that Murasaki chick! You know the one that’s always around him and, like, she’s always there!

And yet I didn’t know-

It’s okay, even if he didn’t tell me, he probably has his reasons. He’s always been sensitive about his past and his family-

She wrapped her arms around him and attempted to rest her head on his shoulder, although failing because her boyfriend was practically a giant compared to her, “It's okay...I'm sure you have your reasons for not telling me about being a Yuki.”

Of course that’s when Azune made her appearance and caused a whole new problem; Fujiko bit her tongue, ‘I should’ve been more aware!’

“I have to go after her.” her beloved said, his world in shambles around him, and she gave him a kind smile, “Then go.”

She hugged him fiercely as soon as he got up and shoved her face into his chest, her eyes burned and her throat tightened as she forced herself not to break down in front of him.

‘He has enough going on right now...’ she thought to herself as she released him and looked up at him, warm and gently as she always tried to be. She received a quick kiss before she heard, “I love you, Fujiko.”

“I love you too, Raiden.” she replied and mentally added, ‘So much it make this foolish heart hurt...’

She watched as Raiden comforted Kan as well, and waited to see Raiden off before making her way back into his apartment and into the kitchen, double checking to make sure Raiden hadn’t forgot to put something away.

“Fujiko, I’m-”

“No, no! It’s alright Kanmmuri-san! It’s just one of those things that Raiden likes to keep to himself!” she said ignoring that her eyes were still burning and smiling brightly at Kan.

The Byakko gave her an odd look, “Wh-what do you mean by that?” she asked her eyes narrowing and Fu gave a hiccup of a chuckle.

“When it comes to Raiden’s family, everything’s always been so secret! Even when we were kids, even before he was left alone, it was always like trying to pull teeth with him, but after that incident I tried not to pry. He was such a mess, I just didn’t want him to hurt so much, so I never thought to ask!” She said tapping her lips in a ‘sh’-ing motion.

“And just like before I’m sure he has reasons. I just wish-” she cut herself off looking at the pillows she was fluffing in her hands. She shook her head, ‘Seems I was made for this...Housework.’

“Wish what, Fujiko-chan?” The Jounin asked gently, as if anything bolder would cause Fujiko to bolt away like a frightened rabbit in a bush.

“Nothing, wishes are such silly little things~ They don’t really mean much in the end!” Fu said smiling at Kan, her mask up in place though she had no idea if Kan was falling for it or not. For the Jounin’s part Kan seemed to be weary about her attitude, ‘Fujiko-chan...’ she thought worriedly.

“Anyways I think it’s best if I headed back home. They will probably need some time alone after it all-”

“B-But I’m sure Raiden would like to tell you too!” Kan said accidentally cutting off the purple haired girl. Fujiko merely continued to smile at her, “I’m sure he will; Eventually. Until then, I’d rather not get in the way or those two siblings. Please tell Raiden that I left to go back home~ Also, have a nice day, Kanmuri-san~!” The Murasaki said bowing gracefully and then leaving, all the while smiling and ignoring the fact that it was hard to breathe.


When Fujiko came home she made sure nobody was home before she ran into her room, flung her closet door open, hopped in, and shut it before she broke down.

“They’re not a couple though! I heard Raiden’s dating that Murasaki chick! You know the one that’s always around him and, like, she’s always there!

“Well she looks so plain! And, like, I heard she’s mannish!”



“I have to go after her.”

“Then go.”

I love you, Fujiko

I love you too, Raiden.

So much it hurts this foolish heart...

Fujiko whimpered, curling around the pillows she had in there with her, trying to ignore how humiliating this was.

‘This isn't anything major, stop crying, you idiot! Stop being stupid and get up and move on like you always have!’

‘You’re just blowing things out of proportion!’

‘Trust in Raiden and everyone else! Stop it-!’

‘Just STOP IT!’

But Fujiko couldn’t.

‘Kan knew-’

‘Duh, she’s the Mikokage’s sister’

‘But still, she felt comfortable enough to use it like that-’

‘So? Maybe Raiden was going to tell you soon!’

‘He wasn’t. He never tells me anything serious. I have to pry at it-’

‘He cares for you-’

‘This isn’t about him caring or not caring about me, but what am I to him exactly?!’

And that was it wasn’t it. She loved him, oh, all God’s ever to exist knew, probably even the Byakko Fox god of Old knew, ‘But just what am I to him?’

‘Does he understand just how much pain I’m in when he does this?’

‘It’s not his fault-!’

‘I know!’

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt...

‘Does he understand that he’s essential to me? Does he understand that if he left me I wouldn't be okay? I won’t kill myself, obviously, but I would lose-’

Her mind paused before it allowed her to have one clear thought...

‘I would lose myself.’
*hops on the Dramu bandwagon* :iconmingplz:

Actually, I had been planning this for about a week or so now, but I finally was bale to write it all today! Anyways, here we have some wonderful self loathing and confusion from Fu, OMG DEMENSIONS IN FU'S CHARACTER? NO WAI!

This is more of a part one actually, part two fo this, well the one that I'm wiritng will be after I talk to Kels, aka ~animeinsanity112989 about this but I just needed to post this right now!

I hope you cry as hard as I did, I'M SORRY MY PRECIOUS BABY! MOMMA'S BEEN SO MEAN TO YOU AND I'M SORRY! :icontearplz:

*gets punted away by Fujiko*

:iconanimeinsanity112989: Raiden, Azuna
:iconapplealchemy: Fujiko, Kohaku
:iconhynoryuu: Airisu, Kenshin
:iconrikku9314: Kan/Kanmuri
:iconsorceress2000: Aki

...Did I mention Nagisa in here or not. I don't even remember anymore :icongnimplz:

Title taken from Madeon's 'Finale' because I love the song and I thought the line 'A flash of lightning, eclipse the Sun' was fitting about how Fujiko feels about Raiden *trying to be deep but failing*

Also, excuse typos, I'm tired and ready to veg. If you find any name mix-ups just comment and I'll fix it. Until then~
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estrellas-de-plata's avatar
Ive been avoiding reading this because I knew it was sad ;_;

WHY HAS EVERYONE DECIDED TO BE SAD OR DEPRESSING RECENTLY?! coz I so totally wasn't one of the first to to something depressing

It's still amazing ;_;